Ameren Contract/Benefit Negotiations Update 060117

Ameren Illinois and SC U-05 met on May 31 and June 1, 2017, to continue negotiations on a new labor and benefits agreements.  Counter proposals were made by both parties concerning benefit plans for all AmerenIP employees.  The Company gave the System Council what they called their final position on implementing the Options Medical plan for IP employees and on other benefits.  This included language on retiree medical premiums under the Options Medical Plan and the IP-Legacy Medical Plan; the inclusion of the Options dental and vision plans; increased 401K match for AmerenIP employees of 1%; and a phase-in of the spousal medical premium surcharge.  Other minor changes were included in their final proposal on 401K and life insurance. 

Included in their final position was language addressing the medical plan excise tax (cadillac tax), elimination of retiree medical for new employees hired after January 1, 2020, and inclusion of all AIC employees in the CIPS702 LTD plan, which contains a $6500/month maximum cap.

Contingent upon inclusion of the jurisdiction agreement in our new contracts, a gas subcommittee reached a tentative agreement on new language for tapping and stopping across jurisdictions. 

The parties agreed to discuss clerical/technical issues and a meter specialist at CILCO in subcommittees when we meet again on June 8.

Future meetings are scheduled for:  June 8, 12, 19, 23 and 26.

In Solidarity,
IBEW Local 51 Bargaining Committee

Ameren Contract/Benefit Negotiations Update 051817

System Council U-05 and Ameren met today to continue contract and benefit negotiations.  SC U-05 made a counter proposal to the company’s Options health care plan that included phasing in the employee’s share of health care premiums over 5 years; improvements to early retirement reduction factors; pay credit increase to all tiers of the cash balance plan; and eliminating the spousal premium penalty.  The System Council also countered the LTD plan. 

The welding premium proposal was withdrawn by the System Council.  Ameren withdrew their hi-visibility FR clothing proposal.  We are meeting again May 31 and June 1 in Springfield.  

In Solidarity, 
The Local 51 Negotiating Committee

Ameren Contract/Benefit Negotiations Update

IBEW SC U-05 met with Ameren Illinois on May 3-4.  The Company provided a counter proposal on their new technology language and a counter to our clerical proposals.  Work remains to be done on both proposals.

The rest of the two days was spent listening to presentations on benefits, uniforms, telecommunications, and tapping/stopping high pressure distribution and transmission gas lines.  There are still unanswered questions on the above issues.  The parties agreed to take the new telecommunication classifications to a joint subcommittee.  This subcommittee will meet on May 19.  Each Local Union will have a business representative and rank-and-file members in attendance.

The System Council submitted a package proposal on benefits and the Company rejected it.

Our next meeting is scheduled for May 18 with follow-up meetings on May 31, June 1 and 2.

In Solidarity,
Business Manager John Johnson and the negotiating committee

Ameren and IBEW Negotiations Update 4/5/17

This is a Joint Communication from Ameren Illinois Company and IBEW System Council U-05:

Ameren Illinois Company and IBEW System Council (51, 309, 702, 649) met today to exchange proposals and start negotiations.

The Parties exchanged proposals and addressed clarifying questions and both sides believe that we are making good progress.

The Parties reached a tentative agreement on two (2) issues, and the Company withdrew two (2) proposals as well.

The next meeting will be on April 18th and several other dates have been set.

Should any questions come up regarding the proposals or the negotiating process, bargaining unit members should direct their questions to their union representatives and management members should direct their questions to the Labor Relations Department.