Ameren Vote

Dates/Places/Times to vote the Ameren Tentative Agreement:

8/7, Lincoln KC Hall, 3-6pm
8/8, Bloomington Local 197 hall, 1pm-end of regular meeting
8/8, Champaign VFW Post 5520, 1pm-end of regular meeting
8/9, Hillsboro
8/9, Jacksonville AmVets Post 100, 3pm-end of regular meeting
8/9, Springfield Local 51 hall, 1-6pm
8/10, Decatur Local 146 hall, 1-7:30pm
8/10, Peoria VFW 2602, 1pm-end of regular meeting
8/11, Mt. Vernon/Centralia
8/14, Galesburg-Knoxville American Legion, 1-6pm
8/16, LaSalle Eagles Lodge, 1-6pm
8/17, Collinsville Local 309 hall, 3-6pm